How podcasting can breathe new life into news stories
- May 15, 2017
- Author: Joe Overby
- Category: Communication, Content Marketing, Digital

At Cherokee Media Group (sister division to S&A Communications), the approach we take to our publications is this: “In print. Online. In person.”
Beyond just being a catchy slogan, it’s how we give our content a longer and more relevant shelf-life.
Real-world application of that?
I’m the senior editor of Auto Remarketing, a business-to-business publication for the auto industry. Say there is breaking news in the car business: Huge Auto Auction Company A purchases Smaller Auto Auction Company B.
Online: We use our website and e-newsletters to get that news out ASAP.
In print: After a follow-up interview or two, we have a more in-depth story in our twice-monthly print publication that details reaction to and impact of the deal.
In person: A few months later, at our annual Used Car Week conference, that purchase may be subject matter during a panel discussion about the auto auction business,
But it’s not just about shelf-life. As my colleague and I like to say, it’s also about bringing the pages to life.
And my friends on the Cherokee Media Group conference team are pros at doing just that: taking the news stories from our online and print publications and bringing them to life through real-world discussions and insights at Used Car Week each fall.
Taking their lead, my fellow senior editor Nick Zulovich and I are aiming to do something similar with our latest twist to our slogan: “Over the airwaves.”
Well, not really “airwaves,” per se, but audio nonetheless.
In April, we launched the Auto Remarketing Podcast. This weekly dose of auto industry news and conversation is designed to go deeper into the stories from our print and daily online publications.
Sometimes, it’s a one-on-one interview with an auto industry exec or newsmaker.
Sometimes, it’s Nick and I shooting the breeze about the latest headlines in the used-car business. Or a blend of both.
And in the first episode, we had an extra ingredient: serendipity.
I was in Chicago in mid-March for the grand opening of an ADESA auto auction. While I was there, I stopped by the headquarters of a company called DRIVIN, another player in the used-car business.
Prior to going, our publisher suggested I use the interview recording(s) for podcast material down the road.
Well, sure enough, about a month later, ADESA’s parent company (KAR Auction Services) purchased DRIVIN.
Of course, at the time of the interview with the folks at DRIVIN, I didn’t know that their company was going to be purchased by KAR.
But since I had recorded an interview about DRIVIN’s business model, I was able to use it in the podcast to complement our online breaking news and follow-up coverage.
It extended the shelf life of that news story, gave it some additional context and transformed the printed page into a real-world discussion.
And that is what “In print. Online. In person.” is all about.